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      No. 279 East Ring South Road, Linyi Town, Shanxi Province, P.R. China
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      Lost foam casting production line
      Auther: Pubdate:2020-12-29
      Now it has 7 lost foam casting production lines with sand box size of: – 1300×1200×1000; – 1400×1200×1100; –1400×1300×1300; – 1400×1200×1100; – 1200×1000×900; – 1300×1200×950; – 1300×1200×950

      The sixth foundry production line

      The seventh foundry production line
      At present, the company has 7 automatic casting production lines, including medium frequency induction melting furnace, dry electric heating pre foaming machine, numerical control mold forming machine, double hook shot blasting cleaning machine, water curtain automatic painting line and other high-precision equipment. The casting process adopts the international advanced lost foam casting technology, and has the whole process capacity of bead pre foaming, die forming, bonding combination, dip coating and drying, vibration molding, melting and pouring, cleaning and painting, etc. the annual production capacity of lost foam casting is 80000 tons, which is the largest lost foam casting production base in China.

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